Orkid Ria seafood Restaurant: Where to eat in Langkawi, Malaysia

“Are you sure?” asked the waiter, who appeared to refuse to take note of our order. “Four tiger prawns? Four?”

“Yes, that’s right,” I confirmed. “Four.”

“So that’s four tiger prawns, one sea bass, one chicken satay, and fried rice. Correct?” asked the waiter. but before I could say yes, he spoke again. “One serving of chicken satay is a dozen. That’s equal to 12 sticks. Twelve.”

Facade of Orkid Ria seafood restaurant in Langkawi
“হ্যাঁ. Twelve. A dozen is twelve.”

The waiter left us absolutely confused. It was as if he did not want us to have what we ordered. That confusion, however, would be killed as soon as all the dishes were served. এটা খুব বেশী ছিল। way too much. considering that we were just a party of two, we knew at that moment that we were in for a big, big dining experience.

Orkid Ria seafood Restaurant

Based on the number of occupied tables and the length of the queue in front of it, Orkid Ria has got to be one of the most popular restaurants in Langkawi. and if our cab motorist is to be believed, then it is the most popular. We did not know any good food places in the island before we arrived, but when we asked our motorist for recommendations, he confidently directed us to this place.

Outer dining hall of Orkid Ria
Orkid Ria restaurant is a family restaurant. According to this site, its humble beginnings can be traced back to Kuah, the district capital of Langkawi. It started out as a basic eatery where the owner, a mother, served home-cooked dishes using the fresh catch of his fisherman son. They slowly developed a following and later moved to Pantai Cenang, the island’s a lot of touristy beach, where it was available to a lot more people.

It’s not hard to find this place. A glowing yellow signage spelling its name shines at the gable of the main dining hall, which can accommodate up to 250 customers at once. Their specialty, of course, is fresh seafood. In fact, even before we went into the place, we were right away drawn to their big aquarium cradling live tiger prawns, lobsters, crabs, and fish. Waiting customers can already take a look at their menu or pick from the poor dinner-to-be creatures on the aquarium or the ice-covered fish bed so they could prepare the dish in advance.

Live and frozen menu!
Time isn’t slow at the Orkid Ria. anywhere you look, you’ll see stewards and waitresses rushing around the place to take and deliver orders to the lots of tables scattered throughout the open-air hall. If you’ve been trying to avoid seafood, then this is not for you. The sight of freshly cooked big lobsters getting carried across the hall is enough temptation to break your diet in an impulse.

Our taste of Orkid Ria

Appetizer was served first. and that night, it was a dozen sticks of chicken satay served with their special dip. (Yes, twelve.) considering that we were a party of two, the serving was too big for an appetizer. (It can pass as the main course for some people I know.) and the taste? Fantastic! The perfectly tender pieces had the ideal combination of sweet and salty. I actually sensed a little “nutty” taste, too, but maybe that’s just me. At RM12 per plate (RM1 per stick), it was absolutely a terrific choice.

Chicken satay. This one’s excellent.
We were already halfway into completing the plate of satay when the Steamed Sea Bass (RM 6 per 100g) arrived. now this, my buddy did not like at all. The sauce was “too bland” for him. The ginger and whatever other herbs were nearly undetected. While I agree with him, I just could not say no to a fresh sea bass. The fish was cooked just right, retaining the freshness without that “fishy” stink.

Savory sea bass!
There was only little room in our tummies when the tiger prawns were finally served. At RM18 per 100g, we prayed to the lords of Langkawi that this be worth it. Not only was it expensive, it would also be squeezing its way, reaching for space in our stomachs. We were already so full. We made a decision to stay a little longer at the restaurant before digging into the prawns so we could take pleasure in the dish better. I walked around the area to check the big lobsters at the aquarium and the other seafood delights they were offering. After a while, it was time to gorge on these scrumptious crustaceans.

The prawns were perfect. They were juicy and tasty and fresh. No problem about the arthropods. but the sauce did them in. sure it tasted good but there was nothing different or exceptional about it. It was very normal sweet and sour.

টাইগার চিংড়ি! Rawr!
While there were a few letdowns, our time at Orkid Ria was unforgettable enough. The service was so-so, not bad but not good either. The atmosphere was just alright. Their greatest asset really was the freshness of their seafood. You could tell that they were really very recently caught (or harvested?) from the generous Andaman Sea. and sometimes, that’s enough for me. My stomach was beggআমাকে খাওয়া বন্ধ করার জন্য, তবে আমার স্বাদযুক্তগুলি এখনও অনেক বেশি বেশি আকুল ছিল।

অর্কিড রিয়া রেস্তোঁরাটিতে কীভাবে যাবেন: ল্যাংকাউইয়ের রাজধানী কুয়ার জেটি থেকে, সবচেয়ে সহজ উপায় হ’ল আরএম 25 এর জন্য একটি ক্যাব নেওয়া। যদি আপনার রিসর্ট বা হোটেল পান্তাই টেঙ্গাহ বা পান্তাই সেনাংয়ে থাকে তবে এটি হাঁটার দূরত্বের মধ্যে রয়েছে।

ইউটিউবে আরও ধারণা ⬇

সম্পর্কিত পোস্ট:

হো কে কি চিকেন রাইস বলস: মালয়েশিয়ার মালাক্কায় কোথায় খাবেন

কিলিম জিওফোরেস্ট পার্ক: মালয়েশিয়ার ল্যাংকাউইতে উচ্ছ্বসিত আত্মা

তানজং আরএইচইউ বিচ: মালয়েশিয়ার ল্যাংকাউইতে ব্লুজগুলি অনুপস্থিত

মালয়েশিয়ার ল্যাংকাউইতে পারফর্ম করার জন্য 7 টি জিনিস: রাতারাতি ভ্রমণ পরিকল্পনা

পেনাং, মালয়েশিয়ার জর্জ টাউনে 12 ঘন্টা

রোসেট ক্যাফে: মালয়েশিয়ার ক্যামেরন হাইল্যান্ডসে কোথায় খাবেন

প্যানোরামা ল্যাংকাউই কর্ড গাড়ি, মালয়েশিয়া: 6 টি প্রত্যাশা প্রত্যাশা

স্লিপার ট্রেন এবং ফেরি দ্বারা কুয়ালালামপুর থেকে ল্যাংকাউই কীভাবে যাবেন – মালয়েশিয়া

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